What participants are saying.... 

About the body in Emdr: essential skills:

"Ms. Lidov is a master clinician who has explored nearly every pathway that trauma therapists will encounter.  The Body in EMDR provides a solid grounding in current neuroscience, one not offered in basic EMDR training, which may substantially change the way you practice." (M.R.)

"In my 30+ years of attending presentations, seminars, etc., in the field, this was one of the very best and most clinically useful.  There were many examples of applications we could take with us. Catherine Lidov is a brilliant presenter.  Not only did she present in an organized, clear manner, but she was able to describe some very complicated concepts in an easily understandable fashion.  Most impressively, she provided a procedural model of ventral vagal regulation by doing the same things with the audience as she would hope we would do with our own patients. She understands the concepts so well, even the design and timing of lecture material demonstrated how to keep people in a ventral vagal state." (Cynthia D.)

"Catherine Lidov’s “The Body in EMDR: Essential Skills” was exactly the training I needed to enhance the work I am doing with clients using EMDR. I appreciated how well she breaks down complex and technical concepts that can be confusing for a non-medical professional. She uses real life case examples to paint the picture and generously shares her own techniques and strategies that support our clients to become more touch with their body sensations/reactions to unprocessed trauma." (R.T.)

"I would strongly recommend this training for anyone who uses EMDR in their therapeutic practice. The information presented really helped me to pull things together in a more holistic way, paying more attention to the body and how a person's whole being is impacted by trauma. I am now much more aware of how to integrate the body into the EMDR healing process. Catherine was a fabulous, engaging, and brilliant presenter. I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend." (K.B.)

"This workshop clarified and deepened my understanding of Porges's Polyvagal Theory and process. It grounded me in the intimate interaction of our own and our clients' embodied experience in relation to trauma." (Neila W.)

"I am an experienced EMDRIA therapist and the content of the workshop added to my skillset.  I have current clients that the interventions will help. Thanks!" (Carol C.)

"Catherine provided a clear theoretical explanation for what surfaces in EMDR therapy from a body perspective.  Her clinical insights and examples reflected her depth of understanding and the years of work facilitating healing with severely traumatized clients. Thank you for your insights and the practical, concrete strategies." (Anon.)

"This is the perfect first course in body skills if you have not done Sensorimotor Psychotherapy or Somatic Experiencing. If you have done SP or SE, it is a wonderful complement to and reinforcement of skills already learned." (Anon.)

"Catherine's workshop was thoughtful and she made concepts easy to understand. She created a safe environment for learning which was greatly appreciated." (C.B.M.)

"I so enjoyed the training.  Catherine was so clear, calm, focused. It set such a great tone for the training. Such good reminders for the work.  I really liked the breakdown of the stages. I also enjoyed the discussion of the therapist's response/reactions. I also really appreciate Catherine's realistic, pragmatic, kind and empathic approach, especially with the normal human grappling of safety in the world." (Cindy S.)

"A very knowledgeable lady. Professional knowledge delivered in a very adaptable way.  Wonderful workshop!" (Anon.)

"This workshop met my expectations, and beyond. I loved the in-depth explanation of the Polyvagal theory and the many implications for application to EMDR work. There was a great deal of information about keeping the EMDR reprocessing moving by focusing on the body." (Connie M.)

"The workshop content and Catherine's presentation style allowed me to validate what I know as an EMDR therapist but gave me more skills to use with both clients and myself. Well worth it and one of the best trainings I've had." (Cathy M.)

"The presenter has a captivating and professional style of engagement that makes it very easy to pay attention and learn at the same time!" (Patricia H.)

"The workshop helped me to add additional skills to my practice as a trauma therapist.  It as like finding the 'missing piece' of how to effectively practice EMDR theory and apply it to my clients."